I am writing this blog, with the intent to discuss a topic that I have been following for a long time, something odd that you may have seen on social media called Qanon. I do not posses all of the answers but something of late has cause my spiritual ears to prick up and that is a new term that people are talking more about, something called "Nesara/Gesara". It does have end time things connected to it, and it does have if things are to be believed, have end-time connections.
I want to tell the story of how I came over Qanon, this might be a little haphazard. To understand I suppose how I started to take note of Qanon, something that for many people has been a whacky subject and something many have dismissed, however for me it is something I spent countless hours reading about and listening to YouTube videos about. So to explain why I spent time on it, let me share the kind of person that I am and the things that I also have spent time researching. It started about 1994/95 for me, I saw the Oliver Stone moved JFK, now I don't necessarily endorse the movie or present it as the truth surrounding JFK assassination, I mention to say that as a young teenager it got me interested in what I suppose we can say is the non-mainstream opinion on events. I have had an open mind to many conspiracy theories, I can probably articulate what I believe and why on most events such as 9/11, the Moon Landings, Global Warming, Sandy Hook, Global Economics, Jackyl Island and the Federal Reserve, Boston Marathon, Oklahoma City bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Las Vegas shootings, Flat Earth - I have spent time looking at these topics and though I do no always take the "conspiracy theorist" view, I have dabbled enough to make what I believe to be truth. The thinking for me has gone like this , If I convinced through whistleblowers, evidence (irrefutable and circumstantial) that masses are lied to on "This" , what else are we lied to about. Let me stress again, I don't always take what you consider the "conspiracy" route but it is my natural inclination to atleast look at an alternative position, is it not true to say that if you believe in one non-mainstream narrative that you believe in them all. I think it has recently been the case that some events are caused, others are allowed to happen and others are used to further a cause to enhance someones "power" or "control" or monetary gain. If something terrible has happened, there are people who use those moments.
So what about Qanon? Well, the first thing that caught my attention was a date, I was reading an article on Breitbart on the small hours of 1st January 2018 and in the comments someone mentioned something called QAnon, Roseanne Barr and following a white rabbit - I thought this was a weird phrase so I googled it and was led to someones blog talking about something which happen on what happened to be my wife's birthday in 2017. The gist of things went like this - Donald Trump was approached by some military folks and asked to "save the country" from what we call the deep state/Cabal and there are hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments rounding up the worlds corrupt elite for crimes which include deplorable things as child sex trafficking and places like Guantanamo Bay is being readied for military tribunals. Things began with a trip to Saudi Arabia and some of the wealthy peoples who had a control over among other countries, but in particular the US media groups. At this point, it all sounded excellent, we should all be unified in the protection of Children - this was one I was emotionally invested in, please be true. It is true to say that as you research a plethora of subjects you will be presented with a crushing conclusion - Why does it seem like there is one law for the rich and wealthy and another one for the common folks, why cant justice be equal. As a born again Christian, I do know that Justice belongs to the Lord, nothing escapes His gaze and the wages of sin is death - this is infinitely more severe than anything justice fellow man can dish out. I was following this stuff, watching videos, having hopes something big was coming, conversing with others who thought the same way. Donald Trump was busting record amounts of sex criminals - it all seemed like this was legit despite accusations of Q being a larp - I was convinced there was and IS a military backing to all of this - if this was all it was, it would be fantastic but then we started hearing about a global financial reset talking about a gold based currency for the US - again this was "fantastic", even though I don't personally care for Donald Trump it was seemingly that freed of the financial controls of past Presidents he was doing some "big stuff that would make US even better". Combined that with the arrest of Epstein - hey Q told about that island and some sick stuff that went on - things were looking good and far more than I was thinking would actually come to light.
Now 2020 happens, and a new Corona Virus which then got a name Covid-19 and it seemed like someone had released a bio-weapon that seemed like it was done to combat Trump's best weapon - a thriving economy to stop the dismantling of a power cabal. It seemed there really was a war going on to control the power structures of the world. I read that Trump through some emergency powers act then had authority over the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve was being weakened to do the bidding of "the good guys", then there was Trillions in the Cares act given but with more honorable intentions that the Bank Bailouts from circa 2009. This was all going along with a new gold backed US currency, I had read of Gold deposits being acquired from sources such as the Vatican, and tons of Catholic Priests had been arrested because of child abuses and it was all good news as far as I was concerned. The fact that if Trump truly had so much financial power, didn't sit well, but I was thinking if its for a short time and no harm is done, lets have this thing play out and then distribute power once again.
Then over the summer there was some new elements being brought into the mix - some rightful heir to the Throne in Buckingham Palace, a guy who is in New Zealand and something called Nesara/Gesara. Lets deal with the "King John" thing, I looked into the lineage and it seemed like there was something to this, and people were saying this was all part of "The great awakening" but there was a spiritual element that came along with this message, he was talking about how there was certain supernatural things that had happened over his life and fulfilled prophecies that proved he was.....what he was calling, someone who had the title of Christ - OK stop right there. This was not something I was down with at all. Jesus, is seated at His Fathers right hand, I was thinking that this John fella sounded like AN- Anti Christ. The other thing that I first was encountering probably over the last two months was this strange term called Nesara/Gesara - I shall summarize this, but I am going to link to an article that has me pretty stunned today, and frankly the catalyst for writing this blog.
N/G(Im getting lazy in my writing now) essentially is, not only is Trump moving the US to a gold backed financial system, but there are vast vaults of gold stored that means that pretty much its like every US Citizen is going to have their debt wiped out, back dated financial reimbursement, amazing technology that has been suppressed that will move the world into an amazing and prosperous future. I was reading some theories that this gold had came from The Vatican, the wealthy families of those we might call the bloodlines of the illuminati, or it was Solomon's gold that was being held in Thailand that was so vast in value it would pay off all our debts including national debt, I even heard others call this the Biblical Millenium. This was when I was thinking some of this doesn't match how I interpreted the end times this was people going too far. As I started learning more, I started to get more alarmed, what I was reading was what I would call " A new world order", I started to be a bit concerned, I was asking myself have I interpreted parts of the Bible wrong - entirely possible, I knew of no Millenium without a physical return of Jesus - this stuff wasn't jiving with the Bible. I have heard but wanted more details, of people's mortgages, student debt being erased without much to back this up, my mind was seeking more info. I had commented to friends and people online, this N/G stuff was essential a new world order and if it was, it had me concerned but I wasn't sure why. I had read a few and I stress I few saying the same, I would ask questions and people just told me "Do your own research", it seemed like the love of money was and is, was clouding peoples judgement.
However, all of this changed today.......someone graciously sent me a link. I will post it below, I will say it challenges how I have concluded the end times to be, and I am being honest I am not sure how I feel about this, it talks about a False Prophet AGE and a False Beast AGE, however when you read about N/G and us needing to take an oath to receive the financial benefit is what I feared. I had a conversation with my father in law this morning, that if someone wants to give me money I am fine with us, but if I have to take a mark that is something I will not be doing.
So here are two things for you, first this article which I am just reading was published in March
And secondly, you need to know Jesus as your Savior, He died for you, paid the penalty of your lying, stealing and adulterous thoughts, by facing His Fathers Judgement on the cross, if this N/G is total bunk then this is the greatest truth you need to know - you shall face God in Judgement and you can be forgiven before it is too late.
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