Saturday, 2 November 2013

Tricky Treat

Halloween has passed for another year, and it always a time of debate, division and others just having fun.  A few years ago after hearing a sermon called Hells Best kept secret, I was challenged to see everything as an opportunity that can be turned to the gospel, so for the past 3 years Beth and I, at least for me changed my perspective on Halloween that rather that keeping the door closed and turning up the volume we decided to open the door, hand out candy greet people with a smile and a compliment and hand them a gospel tract.  We have often had people come to our house just to get one of the novelty gospel tracts.

This year, after seeing the numbers last year of at least 200 children, not including adults Beth had an idea to show 'Whats your greatest Fear' on our projector screen, we then heard Alan at Church talking about Trunk or Treat encouraging us to put games on in our garden to draw more people to us.  This was a great idea, we signed up for it and shared the opportunity with our Connect group and we were off.  Our group is excellent by the way, they are a real blessing to meet with each week.  

What is your greatest Fear is an evangelism documentary produced by my brother in law Nathan a dear brother Noah and a few other friends.  I decided to edit its running time of 40 minutes down to 15, to create more chance of someone sticking it out the whole way through hearing the gospel.  You know the gospel right?  That which the Bible calls the Power of God unto Salvation.  

Our group showed up, we had fishing games and rubber ducks in a paddle pool for a treasure hunt, stinky sock toss - we decided not to use my socks, as we actually wanted people to come :)  As the evening went by it was really interesting to see the age groups progressing from the toddlers through to teenagers as the evening went on. One of the amazing things was our cul-de-sac had just been re covered and the audio of the video carried CLEARLY up most of the street, as kids were running here and there grabbing what must be their annual supply of candy, adults were hearing the gospel. 

We had a few hundred people frequent our front lawn over a few hours and then the numbers dwindled and then there were none.  The ripples of the Lords work from something easily put together that night will go further than we are aware of.  Gospel tracts will find their way into broken homes with no daddies, poor homes, lonely people and people who are affluent, people who think they have it all together, people who don't think they are in need of a Savior, for those who will reap the harvest down the line, we rejoice together.

Romans 10:14-15
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”

May the Lamb of God receive the reward of his suffering.

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