Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The Rapture - pre,post,whenever

About a year ago, I began a personal study into what is called the Rapture or the end times from a Biblical stand point. 

I will post my notes shortly, its not conclusive as its a huge topic, but I decided that I wanted to find an in road into the scriptures and start from there and flesh out my understanding with just the bible.  It was something I had been meaning to look into with more depth since the start of 2011 and had flirted with looking at websites and I thought I need to look at the text for myself without any external influence until I had a more understanding for myself.

I began at the most unconventional place where I thought was more cut and dried and less controversial sub-topic which was end of the tribulation and into the Millennium and then into eternity before looking at the most disputed topics like tribulation and Jews and Gentiles.

In my writing on this topic I am primarily writing to an audience that knows certain phrases, where as usually I try and write to an audience without assuming they know anything so if you dont know what a phrase means - please care to ask.

I don't post this to say I know it all or I have it all figured out, I'm primarily putting this particular study onto the internet so I have an electronic record of my notes which I have already lost twice.

So your probably wanting to know because its the question everyone wants to know - do I believe in pre-rapture, post rapture, pre-wrath, mid trib, post pre mid trib or any other term that you care to use, well before I answer that, I just want to say it has been my experience that once a idea has been ingrained into someones view especially on this topic - rarely does anyone change their mind so I am not posting this to even start a debate, I can totally be wrong, you can totally be wrong and really the only way that we can know is when we see how things pan out. 

All sides believe they can justify their position with scripture so its going to be a stalemate if verses and more importantly interpretation is banded about,however if you have a view and don't understand where it came for then hopefully this series of blogs might be of some interest to you.

So your question? Well come back later and you'll find out :)

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