Monday, 15 September 2014

What's that in your hand?

A friend once asked me "How can you share the gospel with one question?"  I stood there thinking I would get this, Do you think your a good person? ...No he replied because there is more dialogue needed after that.  I was over thinking this, the answer was really far more simple.

I was born in 1979 and am part of the generation which saw the explosion of the internet at just the right time, paper material seemed mess attractive as we favored graphics and video and slick presentation.  Even in our churches; multimedia became the norm, no more acetates.....look that word up if you don't know it, Powerpoint 97 was here and boy did we love the slide transitions.  Then things became even more sophisticated, we want motion graphics and flat screens and catchy titles - OnFire, Fire Starters, Redemption conference, on Fire RE:deemed, we liked that word "fire" it conveyed passion and busyness and activity and contagion, anything the world could do we can do it as well and want it in 1080P HD 100Mhz. All of this neat stuff and who to view it?  Well the choir of course.

It sounds like I'm dogging these things, the point I am trying to make is all of this effort yet where are the lost?   Right where they have always been...outside.

It can be a daunting prospect to share the gospel, Have you had a chance to think of the answer to my question yet? 

Did you get one of these?  A gospel tract.

I can count on one hand the occasions that I've been handed one, yet what a under utilized tool.  A non threatening means of sharing the gospel in text or even as an ice breaker to share the news of the cross personally.  I've seen many well put together tracts  and some not so well.  A few pointers on how to evaluate a good tract.

  1. Does it contain the gospel in language that can be understood or does it use Church words like repentance, sin and righteousness?  Though true, a tract must communicate the gospel message clearly without an interpreter. 
  2. Does it carefully explain what sin, repentance and faith are?
  3. Is it clear that the Jesus we are talking about is? 
  4. Does it convey the truth that though Jesus' sacrifice is efficient for all, a response is required.  We dont want to convey a false assurance of Salvation.
  5. Is too wordy or not wordy enough - This comes down to personal preference, tracts which hope that you are going to hit a website to get the message of the gospel are not in my arsenal.  Though I would not say they are not without merit and could be used it is a risk.
  6. Are they age appropriate or subject appropriate?  We don't hand out tracts which talk about lust to under 16's.
  7. Is the grace of God communicated and the substitution payment of Christ communicated?  The literature is handed out with the intent to introduce Christ so let's make it clear.  Its not about ours or your Church its an introduction to the one who died for their spiritual freedom.
Who knows where gospel tracts end up, they have access to homes and people as the Lord allows.
Tracts are a great thing to get in the habit of carrying and giving out and restaurants, parks,  parties, work, on vacation, on a plane, or a train or an automobile or ..or...or...or

For some great tracts check or

Thanks for reading, Matthew